Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My fist year of NaNoWriMo....Sucess!!!!

Well, my NaNo journey started when I was on a website, I was just playing around as usual, when I saw a post one of my friends had. I read it and was quite intrigued, the post was about NaNoWriMo, the challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November.
I quickly looked it up and made an account, I wasn't really sure if I was going to do it at that point, but a few days before November 1st, I made up my mind. This was going to be my first year of NaNoWriMo.
I started off great, reaching the first 1,667 words in one day, then I procrastinated a bit, then I caught up again. At one point (from Nov 7-16) I was ahead! Then I lost my lead. It was getting harder to write and I would go days without writing. occasionally I would have a really good day in which I would get another 1,000 words or so.
Then it came, Thanksgiving break. My siblings came home on Tuesday and from then until Sunday I didn't write much at all. I was too engrossed in Uncharted 3 and hanging out with my sibling to much writing. By the time they had left I was behind. I was discouraged and I didn't think I could make it to 50,000 words by the 30th, it was already the 27th and I only had 38,000 words.
But I really wanted to try, and try I did. I wrote 3,000 words on the 27th, that was great. Then the next day I wrote almost 5,000 words! The 29th was there and I had less than 7,000 words to go. I knew I could do it, and then I surprised myself, by 10-11 P.M. that night I was only about 1,000 words away from 50,000. Taking a deep breath I got some word sprint buddies and wrote...and long behold, a few minutes before midnight I reached 50,040 words! I validated it, then ran and told my parents. I had won NaNoWriMo, and with a day to spare!!!
Today, I wrote even more, and I am happy to say that at 1:07 on December 1st I have written 51,459 words.
My first year of NaNo was defiantly a success. Now onward to finish my novel!!!
Until next time,
A very happy Alicia

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Isn't it fun? I started in November 2005 and have only finished it twice. All depends on life and what it brings!
